A deep understanding of soil could be one of mankind's most useful inventions.
Humanity's final harvest is only two generations away. It's time to act.
Our mission is to bring the power of soil to life through science. By better understanding various aspects of soil, we can use this knowledge as inspiration to create novel microorganisms that produce soil matter through precision fermentation.
Understand the Microbe Kingdom.
DeepSoil creates a deep insight into the world of microorganisms in our soil. Our goal is to genetically optimize microorganisms in order to synthesize soil organic carbon from agricultural and industrial sidestreams.
Be faster than nature.
The living soil matter is the blueprint of life in the soil. Precision fermentation converts biomass into precision soil matter. The self-healing process of nature lasts for centuries and is strongly dependent on the microclimatic conditions that are disturbed by humans. DeepSoil is faster than the natural process with the help of synthetic biology.
Deep knowledge is the most powerful force for change.
We combine our special soil matter with other local soil components such as sand, clay or mulch to create a concentrated mixture that is the basis to rebuilding our soils. A balanced ratio of soil organic carbon and nitrogen is created. This stimulates the activity of natural microorganisms and soil beneficial organisms. The soil structure is upgraded in the long term and becomes a natural store of carbon and water.